Top Table (Wednesday)

Top Table – Wednesday

Below we have listed the top table members for the Wednesday Group. The top table not only lead each meeting and ensure all meetings run smoothly and effectively, but they are also there to help and discuss any issues or concerns you may have. The top table are also responsible for ensuring there is a steady flow of visitors coming into the group and that all members are making an effort to bring their contacts along to Nexus. The top table is updated every 6 months and if you wish to join the top table of your group, please apply through your Group Director. Lastly, the top table are responsible and reliable members of Nexus who meet once per month to improve the meetings in any way they can to benefit us all as members.

Role First Name Surname Telephone Email
Group Director James Scurfield 07957 627 244
Membership Coordinator Kevin Unwin 07813 018 333 
Operations Coordinator Gavin Perrett 07776 157 503
Events Coordinator Chloe Pavitt 01206 588 139
Visitor Host Nigel Kinseth 01268 569 666
Visitor Host Mike Hill 07831 529 996