Nexus members Kevin Unwin, Stan Moses, Sheila Moses, and, a Nexus co-founder, Paul Lomas will be facing up to the Nuclear Races this Saturday 16th May, in aid of the Sawyers Church New Building Fund. So far, they have managed to raise over £220, but it’s not too late to donate before they take on the gritty, muddy obstacle course.

The money they raise will go towards a dedicated crèche room in the new Sawyers Church building, primarily on a Sunday. On top of this, throughout the week it will be used for the charity’s “Mums and Toddlers Groups”, as well as being used for activities for children of all ages and abilities. It will be a place where mothers and fathers can come to have a drink, and a chat, whilst they watch their children play in a safe environment. The National Childbirth Trust will also be making use of the new area, to advise and inform new parents.

Elaine Pitman, Sawyers fundraising co-ordinator and Nexus member, also added: “We hope that, in the future, we will be able to develop the work to include parenting classes, financial classes and also a safe place for visitation rights of absent parents.”

The charity have big plans for their new building, which is why fellow Nexus members are continuing to do everything they can, in order to keep the Sawyers Church New Building Fund growing and growing.

If you’d like to sponsor Kevin, Paul, Sheila and Stan on the Nucelar Rush, click here to make your donation towards this fantastic community project, now.