Over the past few months, our fundraising activities have increased, and Nexus members have worked day and night to raise money in aid of our three local charities: Brainwave, Carers Trust, and Sawyers Church.
The Brainwave Centre, with their South-East centre based in Witham, provide therapy to children with disabilities and additional needs, to help them reach their potential. Their fully-qualified therapists show parents how to carry out therapy activities at home, and the results seen are amazing.
It costs Brainwave £3,500 per year per child to maintain their exercise therapy programmes and, without Government funding, they rely solely on donations, and money raised through events such as the Nexus 24-Hour Spin Challenge, held at the beginning of this year. This will go towards enabling the committed therapists to continue offering their services to the families they see at the Centre.
As part of a national network, the Carers Trust of Epping Forest, Harlow, Havering and Redbridge, celebrates local carers and their huge contribution to those in need, and to society as a whole – serving and supporting these fantastic people through all they do.
By providing services that respond to the needs of family carers, young carers and the people they support, and working closely with other stakeholders, the Trust aims to influence the status of carers and the development of carer services – all of this is funded through fundraising by individuals or groups, such as Nexus.
Our third and final local charity is Sawyers Church. The charity is actively involved within the community, providing a safe and homely place for locals, within their facilities. Sawyers hopes to develop their facilities to include a crêche, as well as a seating area with higher capactiy. All of this can be achieved through fundraising, which Nexus members have actively carried organised and taken part in, raising over £9,000 for Sawyers so far.
All of this fundraising brings us further towards our aim of raising £10,000 per charity, as we continue to hold events, such as our Charity Golf Day, the Annual Nexus Charity Ball, and the Nuclear Races, in which members took part.
Nexus is committed to supporting our local communities, and this is one of the many ways in which we do this. There are many benefits to our network group membership, and though dragging yourself through mud and grit may not seem like a perk, its always for a good cause and that is a reward in itself.