At Networking events you’ll always find people frequently observing or engaging in conversations about all things business and more. However, it’s only human to switch off now and again if a conversation does somewhat… prolong…

Networking is essentially a time to show interest and build connections, you don’t need to show off or promote what you do, a good networker, like a good talk show interviewer, asks questions and lets people talk.

Here are some questions you can start with. Rather than ask all of them in sequence, follow the thread of the conversation to ask more.

  1. What do you like best about what you do? Why? What are some examples?
  2. What got you started in your industry?
  3. What’s your target market? What’s an example of a great client?
  4. What are some of the challenges you have in your business?
  5. Where else do you network?

Questions Image

This essentially leads to a more interesting conversation about the other person’s business, his/hers likes and dislikes, their experience, and so forth. In turn this allows you both to learn about the person’s trade or profession. Even if you’ve heard of the above questions before, they will be new to someone you’ve just met.

It pays to be ready with a response that answers the question, addresses key points, and explains how you’re different from others in your industry – every business can be unique, if you allow the process to develop through the right channels of communication.

If the person is thinking about using your service or knows someone else who may benefit from one after a great conversation, then you’ve gone a long way towards setting the stage for a possible referral.

We strive to help you become better in all areas of business. Whether it be meeting new contacts, improving your business or yourself personally.

If you’re not a member already, you could benefit from being a part of our Nexus groups for now and the future of your business. You can start your networking journey through the art of conversation…

If you want to find out more information in relation to all our services at Nexus Networking Group, please contact our email – – alternatively, you can call Gavin on 07776 157 503.