Danny Nevill and Paul Lomas will be visiting all the Nexus groups next week to share information with it’s members on the new direction for the organisation. Each 10 minute speaker slot will be used to explain how the groups will grow and how the profile of existing members will be enhanced.
The aim is to grow the Nexus brand name as a stand alone brand, with all members benefiting from increased search traffic via social media, email marketing and weekly blog updates. Each medium will be used to attract members from different pools situated on the internet and promote each members services or products within the same arenas.
Danny and Paul will explain how each member can get more involved with this expansion and the added benefits that all members will enjoy through attending upcoming training days,
which will focus on Nexus growing as a brand going forward. It will be a natural progression for everyone and should simplify how we promote events, open days and our members on an ongoing basis. Most importantly, joint promotion should prove a cost effective and fruitful process for all members to enjoy.