There are many reasons for business networking, subsequently, we wanted to inform you of those in case you were currently unaware.

1 – Business Referrals

This is arguably the most well-known benefit of business networking and the most important for the majority of business owners.

Unlike general enquiries, referrals tend to be high quality and hot leads. Subsequently, as a member of a business networking organisation, you could skip waiting for customers to come to you and benefit from other business owners referring work your way.

2 – Opportunities

Joint ventures, partnerships, alliances, power groups and buying power all come through networking with other businesses who buy what you also require. How could saving money on your purchases and gaining access to each others contacts benefit you? For many it can result in their client base, doubling, tripling or quadrupling within a matter of months.

3 – Connections

We all say it’s not ‘what you know’, but ‘who you know’ and your contact list can increase and grow month after month through business networking.

4 – Advice

The wrong advice can be very expensive. However, by rubbing shoulders on a weekly basis with industry experts, you can be assured to receive leading advice and support.

5 – Raising Your Profile

Being a member of any association related to business will raise the profile of you and your company. It is proven that customers also trust those well known more than those with no history, connections or known by anyone.

6 – Positive Support

As business owner’s we all face tough times from time to time, after all, there is no lonelier occupation with responsibilities for others, in the world. Do not feel alone or struggle by yourself. Being a member of Nexus ensures support is ready and waiting for you at every meeting.

7 – Boost You Confidence

Public speaking is a fear we all share and many polls suggest it is the most feared experience amongst most adults. Increase your confidence by speaking publicly with those who support you, practice will ensure you have confidence when speaking in front of any audience.

8 – Satisfaction

There are few satisfactions greater than other business owners reading and or providing you and your business with a letter headed testimonial for the great products and or services you have provided. A letter headed testimonial from another customer could also ensure you win your next contract.

9 – Friendship

It’s invaluable to walk into restaurants, bars, businesses and or other locations and know either the owner or someone within your immediate connections who does. Being treated well with personal attention is always pleasing and reassuring.

10 – Return On Investment

There are very few investments you could make that provide such a high return on your investment, as business networking does. Most members generate 28 times their investment in revenue by being a member of Nexus. That’s £28 back for every £1 you invest!

If you wish to visit one of the Nexus Networking groups, please contact Gavin Perrett on 07776 157 503 or email for a free and no pressured experience of proven business networking.